So this is exhausting but here we are again.
Refering to a 2017 email:
3. There is no precedent for changing the zoning from R1 at the request of a developer. Why should this developer be exempt from the building regulations but I am still subject to them? What is to prevent an unfair advantage to developers who curry favor with county officials? This proposal would set precedent that gives power to the county to make discretionary exceptions that affect the economic well being of residents and property owners in the county.
Yet here we are again in 2019:
A public workshop will take place on Monday, June 3, 2019, to allow for public comment on a proposal submitted to the San Mateo County Planning Department (Planning Case File No. PRE2018-00054) to merge two parcels (APNs 069-311-340, 069-311-250) located at 1301 and 1311 Woodside Road in the unincorporated Sequoia Tract of San Mateo County.
Project Description: The subject parcels are currently zoned R-1/S-74 (One-Family Residential; S-74 Combining District) and are proposed to be re-zoned to R-3/S-3 (Multiple-Family Residential; 5,000 sq. ft. minimum parcel size) to allow for higher density housing. The applicant has also provided conceptual plans for six (6) three-story townhomes (18,550 square feet total) to illustrate potential development under the proposed R-3/S-3 Zoning. The two (2) existing single-family residences are proposed to be demolished.
The meeting details are as follows:
Meeting Forum: | Pre-Application Workshop |
Meeting Date: | Monday, June 3, 2019 |
Meeting Time: | 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. |
Meeting Location: | San Mateo County Government Center 455 County Center, Room 101 Redwood City, CA 94063 |
Project File Number: | PRE 2018-00054 |
Project Applicant: | Moshe Dinar, AIA, Dinar & Associates P.O. Box 70601 Oakland, CA 94612 |
Project Owner: | Kardosh Mounir 800 South B Street, Suite 100 San Mateo, CA 94401 |
Project Address: | APNs 069-311-340, 069-311-250 1301 and 1311 Woodside Road Redwood City, CA 94061 |
Purpose of Workshop: The purpose of the Pre-Application Public Workshop is to provide for and foster early public involvement and input on a major development project and, to the extent feasible, identify potential issues before the applicant submits the necessary Planning applications initiating the County’s formal review process. The public workshop is for informational purposes only and shall not confer or imply any approval or rejection of the proposed project by the County of San Mateo. A workshop was held on June 21, 2017 for a previous version of the proposal which included 10 apartments and re-zoning of the parcels to an R-3/S-3 zoning district (PRE2017-00012). The proposal was revised to propose townhomes. The goal of the public workshop is to collect review agency and public input of the significantly revised proposal.
Surrounding Land Use and Land Use History of Project Site:
The subject parcels are zoned R-1/S-74 and are directly bordered by Rutherford Avenue to the north, Woodside Road to the west, single-family residences to the east, and a commercial building to the south. Across Rutherford Avenue to the north is an apartment complex and to the west across Woodside Road is an apartment complex and commercial development. The greater surrounding area is comprised of single-family residences, commercial buildings and apartment complexes. Along Woodside Road, all of the areas on the west side and many parcels on the east side are located within the incorporated areas of Redwood City rather than the unincorporated San Mateo County areas. Each subject parcel is currently developed with a single-family residence.
Applicable Regulations, Review, and Approvals Required:
This project will require a Merger, General Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, Major Subdivision, and a Tree Removal Permit. The project proposes to merge the two parcels and re-zone from R-1/S-74 to R-3/S-3 to allow for higher density housing. The applicant has provided conceptual plans for six three-story townhomes (18,550 sq. ft. total). The project would include the removal of several significant trees. Twelve parking spaces would be provided as required by the Zoning Regulations. The project will, at minimum, require a Negative Declaration per California Environmental Quality Act requirements.
After the Pre-Application Workshop and consideration of the comments submitted, the applicant may proceed with their formal application for the proposed development. The Planning Department will prepare the appropriate environmental document, which will be posted with a commenting period for applicable agencies, members of the public, and other interested parties. The next opportunity for public input will be when the Merger, General Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, and Major Subdivision application is brought before the Planning Commission for recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. Public noticing will be provided prior to future hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors.
If you have any questions regarding the proposal or the Pre-Application Workshop, please contact Ruemel Panglao, Project Planner, Telephone: 650/363-4582 or
E-mail: [email protected]
The plans submitted by the applicant for this project are available to view at the County Planning and Building Department office at 455 County Center (2nd Floor), Redwood City, CA, 94063 and on the County Planning and Building Department’s website at: Please go to the “Permit Center” on the Planning and Building Department’s website and click on “Planning & Code Compliance” (no log-in needed). Enter PRE2018-00054 in all CAPS and click “Search”. Then click on “Record Info” and “Attachments” and click the appropriate link to view the plan set.
Here is a link to it: CLICK Here and under RECORDS INFO click ATTACHMENTS
Save you some clicks:
Personal side note: How many cars do you think are going to get T-Boned pulling out of that parking lot as people speed around from Woodside Rd. to Rutherford Ave.?
Bonus points – Hoiw many times have you as a resident been or almost been t-boned backing out of your driveway? Send your answers to [email protected]